要花我好长时间……我的是从书上摘抄的,20句可能没有,但是希望能帮到你1."narnia, narnia, narnia, awake. love. think. speak. be walking trees. be talking beasts. be divine waters."2.far away, and down near the horizon, the sky began to turn grey. a light wind, very fresh, began to stir. the sky, in that one place, grew slowly and steadily paler. you could see shapes of hills standing up dark against it. all the time the voice went on singing.3.there was soon light enough for them to see one another's faces. the cabby and the two children had open mouths and shining eyes; they were drinking in the sound, and they looked as if it reminded them of something. uncle andrew's mouth was open too, but not open with joy. he looked more as if his chin had simply dropped away from the rest of his face. his shoulders were stopped and his knees shook. he was not liking the voice. if he could have got away from it by creeping into a rat's hole, he would have done so. but the witch looked as if, in a way, she understood the music better than any of them. her mouth was shut, her lips were pressed together, and her fists were clenched. ever since the song began she had felt that this whole world was filled with a magic different from hers and stronger. she hated it. she would have smashed that whole world, or all worlds, to pieces, if it would only stop the singing. the horse stood with its ears well forward, and twitching. every now and then it snorted and stamped the ground. it no longer looked like a tired old cab-horse; you could now well believe that its father had been in battles.4.the eastern sky changed from white to pink and from pink to gold. the voice rose and rose, till all the air was shaking with it. and just as it swelled to the mightiest and most glorious sound it had yet produced, the sun arose.5.the lion was pacing to and fro about that empty land and singing his new song. it was softer and more lilting than the song by which he had called up the stars and the sun; a gentle, rippling music. and as he walked and sang the valley grew green with grass. it spread out from the lion like a pool. it ran up the sides of the little hills like a wave. in a few minutes it was creeping up the lower slopes of the distant mountains, making that young world every moment softer. the light wind could now be heard ruffling the grass. soon there were other things besides grass. the higher slopes grew dark with heather. patches of rougher and more bristling green appeared in the valley. digory did not know what they were until one began coming up quite close to him. it was a little, spiky thing that threw out dozens of arms and covered these arms with green and grew larger at the rate of about an inch every two seconds. there were dozens of these things all round him now. when they were nearly as tall as himself he saw what they were. "trees!" he exclaimed.6.for now a great barrier of cliffs rose before them and they were almost dazzled by the sunlight dancing on the great waterfall by which the river roars and sparkles down into narnia itself from the high western lands in which it rises. they were flying so high already that the thunder of those falls could only just be heard as a small, thin sound, but they were not yet high enough to fly over the top of the cliffs."we'll have to do a bit of zig-zagging here," said fledge. "hold on tight."he began flying to and fro, getting higher at each turn. the air grew colder, and they heard the call of eagles far below them.7.then digory took a minute to get his breath, and then went softly into his mother's room. and there she lay, as he had seen her lie so many other times, propped up on the pillows, with a thin, pale face that would make you cry to look at. digory took the apple of life out of his pocket.and just as the witch jadis had looked different when you saw her in our world instead of in her own, so the fruit of that mountain garden looked different too. there were of course all sorts of coloured things in the bedroom; the coloured counterpane on the bed, the wallpaper, the sunlight from the window, and mother's pretty, pale blue dressing jacket. but the moment digory took the apple out of his pocket, all those things seemed to have scarcely any colour at all. every one of them, even the sunlight, looked faded and dingy. the brightness of the apple threw strange lights on the ceiling. nothing else was worth looking at: you couldn't look at anything else. and the smell of the apple of youth was as if there was a window in the room that opened on heaven.。
1. 雨一停,雾就从藏匿的山谷汹涌而来,开始雾像是薄纱,又像是炊烟,她轻轻的抚摸着我们,瞬间雨一停,雾就从藏匿的山谷汹涌而来,开始雾像是薄纱,又像是炊烟,她轻轻的抚摸着我们,瞬间淹没了眼前的一切。此刻向下看是白茫茫的云海,向上看耸立的山峰,犹如滔滔江水中的一叶扁舟,山在云中飘,人在画中游。
2. 云雾在山头缭绕、聚积、簇拥,渐渐成了壮观的云海。
3. 远处,奇山兀立,群山连亘,苍翠峭拔,云遮雾绕。
4. 只疑云雾窟,犹有六朝僧。
5. 雨中漫步在风光秀丽的三峡,山中云雾缭绕,也是别有一番滋味!
6. 不一样的西雅图,有种忧郁而神秘的美。这座山的雾气很大,整座山都在云雾之中,晚上行车在山中,不由得也对这原始的自然肃然起敬。时晴时阴,半边下雨半边明媚,都很正常。西雅图是一个很容易就让你爱上的城市。
7. 秋后雨天的山中云雾缭绕,宛若仙境。
8. 张家界好美,不枉此行…真的是山中画,画中人~云雾缭绕!
9. 片片枫叶情,金秋十月,汉中勉县云雾山层林尽染,一道山泉宛若玉带潺潺流过。山中有一古寺——云雾寺,本名朝阳禅院,始建于唐贞观年间,据传,明万历年间,萧皇后因被此地风景所吸引,遂在此出家,死后亦葬于此。
10. 不识庐山真面目,只缘云雾漫山中。
11. 不一会儿,大雾把我们团团裹住,我们大雾中摸下山来。回头望去:那雾还没有散尽,山峦迭翠,莽莽苍苍,雾霭好像给它们披上一层薄薄的轻纱,又如那皑皑白雪。真是:无山不飞云,无云不绕山。这次,我们虽没有见到日出,但却欣赏到了白云山雾海的壮丽多变,让我感叹于这大自然的有心。
12. 山中云雾缭绕,山顶却豁然开朗,现在瘫倒在沙发上,只有一个念头,爬山真的不适合我。
13. 青山隐隐泛中流,洞天云霄何处生?
14. 人生许多事像山中的云雾,从没有过相同的形状和光彩,转瞬即逝。不管多么艰难、悲伤、悔恨、害怕和愤怒都是过眼云烟,过不去,是因为你关注太多,使它停留。
15. 清早的某山还是美的,山在云雾里,云雾在山中。
16. 清新的风,淅沥的雨,云雾缭绕,迷失山中。
17. 山顶云雾缭绕,我们闲步其中,山中树山中雾,走走停停雾里看花,体验生活,享受自然,悠哉悠哉。
18. 雾竟有如此神奇的力量,它丰富多彩,变幻莫测,是它给这群山增添了无穷的魅力;近处,芳草青碧,翠林如海,苍黛凝重。
19. 各种形态的云雾,纷纷飘然而至,飞在茫茫的五指山上空。
20. 镶嵌在天边的连绵起伏的山峦,在夕阳的照耀下反射出闪闪的金光,云雾缭绕,显得分外壮丽,好像一幅美丽的图画。
21. 清晨的山中景色云雾炊烟河流……和快到模糊的铁路。
就像是几笔淡墨,抹在蓝色的天边。 2、第二天早上起来,拉开窗帘,却发现经过一夜风雨的玉苍山,竟是如此的美丽:蓝花辅羔恍薏喝割桶公垃蓝的天空下,阳光明媚,参差不齐的山头上遍布着神态各异的石头。
昨夜的那一场雷雨,昨天的那一场烟雨仿佛就是早已化为灰尘的梦境。 3、优美逶迤的山岭,蜿蜒盘旋,犹如一条正在酣睡的巨龙。
俯瞰足下,白云弥漫,环观群峰,云雾缭绕,一个个山顶探出云雾处,似朵朵芙蓉出水。 4、山和水的融合,是静和动的搭配,单调与精彩的结合,也就组成了最美的风景。
在青山间探索,在绿水间泛舟……多么美妙! 描写山水风光的好句描写山水风光的好句 5、山虽无言,然非无声。那飞流直下的瀑布,是它地裂般的怒吼;那潺潺而流的小溪,是它优美的琴声倾诉;那汩汩而涌的泉水,是它靓丽的歌喉展示;那怒吼的松涛,是山对肆虐狂风之抗议;那清脆的滴嗒,是山对流逝岁月之记录 6、水,那么灵动清丽,令人神往遐思;水,那么雄浑澎湃,充满了无限激情。
8、山,绵延绵亘;山,险峻挺拔;山,巍峨挺立……山,气势磅礴,让人想起五岳;山,新奇秀丽,令人忆起峨眉……山,犹如令万人敬仰的圣贤,沉稳是他的天性,不露声色地诠释着生命的博大,生命的肃穆,生命的庄严…… 9、峰峦叠嶂,碧水如镜,青山浮水,倒影翩翩,两岸景色犹如百里画廊。 10、浩渺的江面,烟波荡漾着山形塔影。
二、在很远很远的海上,那里水像最美丽的矢车菊那么蓝,像水晶那么清澈,非常非常深,说实在的,深得没法用锚链来测量它的深度。安徒生 三、主要成份:维他命、矢车菊、肉桂、佛手柑、弹力蛋白等精华.四、这个花束中的薄荷意味着怀疑,绣球花代表冷酷无情,矢车菊的含义则是独身主义。
还有矢车菊一般的最后一滴泪,在微微发光,腾起花一样灿烂的日子。林卓宇 七、与大丽花一样,矢车菊也同属19纲.八、还有风信子、矢车菊、香豌豆花,这些热带植物都能让你置身于地中海充满花香的空气中。